Finding Myself in an Altar’d State…


Dec 28, 2012

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So today I decided to venture out of the house to do a little shopping.  I am on vacation and yesterday it was raining hard for most of the day, so I decided to have my own Scandal marathon to try and fill in the missing pieces of this drama.  This is for real my favorite show on television right now.  So anywho, I decided to pop into a store that I’d seen in the past while visiting my parents, but I’d never gone inside.  I noticed there were quite a few inspirational sayings on trinkets in the store and the music playing was a song of faith.  I immediately felt a connection to this place.  As I shopped, I found a top that I liked and while it was more than I wanted to pay (I’m a clearance rack fool) it was different and I knew that I hadn’t seen it in other stores.  This store is called Altar’d State and I am now claiming a friendship with this place!

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