One of the most beautiful and special things a bride does in preparation for her wedding is choose her bridal party! Whether you are choosing two girls are ten, here are a few key things to keep in mind:
1- Your Relationship- your bridal party are the girls that make up your closest friendships. They seen you in great and not so great times and still love you! These girls want nothing more than to make sure your biggest day goes off without a hitch! Make sure the girls you choose are the ones that are willing to run to CVS in the middle of the night, make multiple trips to Target, pick up food or even help decorate your hotel suite, so that it’s one less thing you have to think about! I recall a bridesmaid at a wedding last year that found out the hotel the bride was getting ready in did not have the suite reserved for the couple after the wedding festivities. The bridesmaid left the suite and went and paid for the suite for an additional night so that the couple did not have to worry about trying to get back home after a long night of partying! When the bride found out she was moved to tears…and rightfully so! You want those type of girls in your bridal party!
2- Your Requirements- let’s face it…weddings are expensive!! For your girls that have to travel to your wedding plus get the necessary wardrobe for your wedding, it can be alot. Think of those friends that have already started their families and what it takes for them to get to your wedding with or without their family in attendance. Have those conversations about expectations and ensure everyone is on the same page with the financial involvement of standing beside you on the wedding day. A true friend will let you know if it is too much of a burden and will look for other ways to support you. A genuine friendship will not be ruined when these conversations have taken place in advance of the wedding day!
3- Your Rewards- when someone commits to being in your wedding party, a bride traditionally gifts the party members with something they may need on your wedding, whether that’s wedding day jewelry, shoes, professional make-up application or even spa day, show your girls how much you appreciate them while staying true to the other financial obligations you have as a bride. A small token of appreciation can go a long way!
I hope this gives you a few things to think about when choosing your team for this all important day! Cheers!