The Knot- Wed100 List | I Made It!!!

Featured, Photography, Weekend Wrap-Up

Mar 6, 2017

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There are times on this entrepreneurial journey when it gets tough and there are other times when it’s so amazing and worth going through the tough times to get to the great times!  Social media is comprised of highlight reels and I do my best to not get to distracted by what’s happening around me!  I love to celebrate my peers, but often have a hard time celebrating my successes.  It just feels weird sometimes, but the feeling of this award is amazing!!

After a pretty busy week of trying to get things in order for my 2017 wedding season, I was greeted on Friday by my UPS driver, Spencer with a box that I wasn’t expecting.  I opened it to find the most amazing bottle of wine (hello pink glitter!!!) and a note from theKnot!!!  They reached out to me a while back and told me that I had been selected as a part of their Wed100 “100 Most Inspiring People of 2017”!!!  I immediately began to think they had the wrong person, but luckily I have the support system of Rashaad and my friends to remind me that I was indeed the right person!!  What???  I am stunned, humbled and honored to be on this list and look forward to telling amazing love stories this year that can hopefully be featured by theKnot!


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