Engagement & Wedding Day Ring Shots: Yes or No?


Apr 29, 2015

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He’s waited for this perfect moment. The moment when he knew he’d met his partner for life. They’ve met, dated, and fallen in love! Now comes the time where he wants to profess his love in front of all of their family and friends, but first comes the proposal….

I love hearing proposal stories because that’s such a defining moment for many couples. I’ve heard of elaborate proposals that involved an entire day or days of planning, I’ve heard of rooftop proposals at the Four Seasons, midnight beach proposals, Christmas proposals, NYC proposals and I’ve heard of the more intimate ones that just involved the couple and possibly a few close relatives. No matter how it happened, this moment is one the couple usually remembers and although the stories sometimes differ between the guy and the gal, the end result is the same- planning a lifetime of memories TOGETHER!


I was in a conversation with my peers recently and we were discussing whether or not to take ring shots.  Here are a few reasons why I do:

1. It’s a visual representation of the start of your future as husband and wife.  I take ring shots during the engagement session and also during the wedding preparation, which includes adding the groom’s ring to the photos.

2. It help tells the story of the relationship.  I recently had a bride that had 5 diamonds in her wedding band, which represented the 5 years the couple had been together.  Many of her guests didn’t know the significance of the 5 diamonds and this was a way for her to tell the story when they viewed the photos and read my blog post.

3. Insurance.  How often do you take photos of new items in your home?  Since rings are usually insured, it’s good to have photos should something ever happen to it!

4. I love them! One of the unique aspects to a couple’s relationship is how they plan the look of their wedding day- colors, decor, etc.  and the rings are a compliment to a couples style!

Plus shooting the rings differently at each engagement and wedding has become a challenge for my creativity.  Granted, I don’t spend a great deal of time during a wedding day taking these shots, but during an engagement session while the couple is changing clothes is usually when I take these shots and work on creating something different!

Here are a few recent rings shots!

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