Weekend Wrap-Up | Virginia Wedding Photographer

Photography, Weekend Wrap-Up, Workshops

Feb 23, 2015

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Welcome to another week, friends!  2015 has been off to a fast and crazy start and I am thankful that I am keeping my head above water despite a few curve balls being thrown my way.  More about life in a later post though.  For now, I’ll just share some recent happenings for Terri Baskin Photography and myself.

– Last week I attended Amy and Jordan Demos’ photography workshop in Scottsdale, AZ and I must say friends, I am on a whole new high!  They are friends with other industry leaders that I’ve had the opportunity to learn from and let me tell you, they are not an imitation of anyone else at all!  I’m so excited to put some things into place for my business. One of which was giving my website a mini-face lift over the weekend during the snow storm.

– Speaking of snow storms, I mean really Mother Nature…One day it’s 60 degrees and sunny and the next it’s in the teens and snowing.  I’m all for having four seasons, but I think it works so much better when those seasons are separated!

– While in Arizona, I had the opportunity to take a few photos of my old co-worker, Melisa and her husband Greg.  They are expecting their first child and I couldn’t be happier for them.  Check back tomorrow for their blog post.

– My iphone is mysteriously acting weird.  It actually started soon after the iphone 6 was released.  Now, I’m no conspiracy theorists but something seems quite fishy for a phone that is less than 2 years old! Hmmmmm….

– I’ll share an in-depth post about the workshop as soon as I can find a way to articulate how awesome it was, but in the meantime I’ve leave you with a #demossandwich shot of myself with Jordan and Amy!

The Workshop with Amy and Jordan

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