Happy Cyber Monday!!!
So we’re officially in the holiday season, although some of the stores have been there since about July but I refused to participate! Now, comes the big decision…do I put up my Christmas tree tonight or this weekend?!? It will most likely be this weekend. At any rate, here is a recap of my Thanksgiving weekend:
– I was able to see my relatives that I hadn’t seen since last Thanksgiving, so that’s always cool to spend time together each year, but I realized that I need to do a better job of communicating to said relatives throughout the year…and ‘Likes’ on Facebook doesn’t count!
– Speaking of ‘Likes’ on Facebook, I wonder if a year or two from now when I come back and read this will I laugh at the word ‘Likes’ and ‘Facebook’ or will those terms still be relevant? Hmmmm…
– I spent all day on Black Friday with friends and decided to skip the Black Friday shopping crazies and I really didn’t miss it until I decided at about 11pm on Friday to check and see if Old Navy had the red plaid shirt I had my eye on a few weeks earlier. They were having a 50% off sale so I decided to catch the last few minutes of it only to realize that the Black Friday crazies bought up all of the red plaid shirts at Old Navy! Oh well!
Have a great Cyber Monday and may the odds be in your favor with the online deals!!!
Here’s a quick peek at my annual anniversary session with the Champion Family! More of them will be on the blog this week!