Preparing For Your Engagement Session


Nov 2, 2013

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Often times when a couple is preparing for their engagement session they are unsure about what to wear or what goes into planning for an engagement session.  I offer complimentary engagement sessions because it gives me a chance to work with the couple prior to their wedding day.  These sessions are complimentary with the purchase of a wedding collection and removing the session does not discount the price of the collection because I strongly feel this interaction prior to the wedding day allows us to have a smooth bridal portrait session on their wedding day. So here are a few tips when you are planning for your engagement session:


Tip 1: Relax and Have Fun!

I know that you don’t typically spend an afternoon posing, kissing, and smiling for a camera.  Most of my clients are not models so sometimes nerves are involved when we first start and it’s okay!!!  I have a ‘no-expectations’ mindset with my approach to an engagement session.  This is your session, have fun with it! My couples always end up with photos they like and will use for their save-the-date announcements or to be placed on display at the wedding, which brings me to my next point.


Tip 2: Plan Your Outfits Together

It works better and looks more cohesive when a couple plans their outfits together and that doesn’t mean being “matchy matchy”.  Find colors that compliment one another and try to avoid large logos or shirts with large or busy patterns as this can date a photo.  Think about the location of your engagement session and ensure that your outfit matches the environment (i.e. city versus grassy fields).  Many couples bring multiple outfits and that’s great! We’ll find somewhere for you to change about halfway through your session.  Brittany and Tim coordinated their blues and this worked really well together!


Tip 3: Clean Your Ring

During your session, I will ask for your engagement ring in order to capture a few shots of this beautiful representation of your love.  Your ring may still be new or you may have been wearing it for a few months, so prior to the session please clean it so that it photographs at its best! Additionally, I may take several close-up shots of your hands in order to showcase your ring, so please prepare accordingly!


Tip 4: Make it Personal

Your engagement session is your way of announcing your wedding plans whether it’s on social media, your wedding website or just sharing the images with close relatives.  Tie in something about who you are as a couple so that your session is unique and meaningful to you!  I allow couples to select a location if they have a special place in mind.  I also offer suggestions when we arrive to make sure we are capturing images in the most flattering light.  Kyra and Raheem enjoy the Einstein memorial in Washington, DC so it was only natural that we started their session here!


Tip 5: Arrive on Time

I shoot engagement sessions 2 hours before the sun sets or 1 hour after sunrise and sessions usually last about 90 minutes. Therefore, it’s important that you are on time so that we can make the most of this ideal lighting.  During the first few minutes of the session we will chat about my style and so that you can learn a few key poses.  If you are running a few minutes late, please give me a call!

Tip 5: Think About the Season

If you have selected photography coverage 8 months or more prior to your wedding, consider taking your engagement photos during a season opposite of your wedding.  This will allow you and your fiance to have two sets of professional photos- one season (i.e. Autumn) can showcase your love as an engaged couple and another season (i.e. Summer) can showcase your wedding images.

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