Watermarks on My Soul: Day 1 – My Parents | Virginia Wedding Photographer

Personal, Watermarks on My Soul

Apr 1, 2014

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Today begins a series that will allow me to be transparent about the people that have influenced my personal and professional growth.  When I look at where I have achieved success, I can honestly say that I never did it alone.  There was always someone there that believed in me, motivated me, encouraged me, or pushed me to continue.  This series is dedicated to those people.  People may wonder why I am using my photography blog to talk about other people versus showcasing my work or they may be thinking, Terri must be experiencing a slow period so she needs something to talk about.  That’s quite the opposite!  I have have 1,000 photos waiting to be culled and edited from recent sessions and I will get to them, edit and deliver them.  But this has been on my heart and even if no one sees it, I will feel a sense of accomplishment once I hit Day 30 because there are some people that have no idea they will have a post on my blog until they actually see it, so I hope this is okay for them!

“If you admire somebody, you should go ahead and tell them. People never get the flowers while they can still smell them.” ― Kanye West

Day 1: My Parents

I think it’s only fitting that my parents grab the number 1 spot!  While this series is in no particular order, the people that gave me life kinda deserves the first recognition! I have been blessed to have both of my parents in my life as I grew up and they are still together.  They show me that relationships and true love can survive thick and thin.  When I was a senior in high school, they left my choice of college up to me, but my dad was a walking commercial for North Carolina A&T State University.  The night that I told him I decided to attend A&T, I could have sworn he moonwalked across the kitchen floor!  After I finished college and throughout my professional career, my parents have always supported my decisions by telling me to “spread my wings” and that “you’re smart, you’ll make the right decision”.

When I designed websites, my parents were sending me clients, when I pursued acting in Los Angeles, they were at my first film screening.  When I decided to buy my first home, they were there after I moved in to “check out the place”.  On a trip home during a break from school I decided to purchase my first DSLR, so my dad rode with me to Ritz Camera to help me understand the different brands and models.  When I graduated with my MBA, my parents, along with my brother and his family, were at my graduation cheering me on!

My dad is also a photographer and my childhood memories were of him leaving home on Saturdays to take wedding photos.  When he came home and processed the film in his darkroom, I remember that I’d better not open the door or I would ruin his hard work.  After he’d finish and the photos were developed, he would show me his work.  I didn’t start taking photos because of him but he was my first photography teacher when I was a child and the day that I bought my first Nikon he skipped a nice afternoon at the golf course, to help me understand exposure, composition and ISO.

My mom has always been a hard worker and has been successful in her career.  When I go home, to North Carolina, to visit my parents, I know that a trip to the Waffle House and the mall is on my mom’s agenda.  She likes to catch up by asking me 101 questions about all of my friends that she remembers and she sometimes throws in the name of an ex-boyfriend or two! A few years ago, she fought a tough battle with lung cancer and won.  It was during that process that I realized what’s really important. Not knowing what each day held was an extremely low point in my life and I shut down from many of my friends. In the past, when I came home for visits I was always ripping and running and my parents usually saw me long enough to say hey, bye and watch Bentley (my dog) for me.  They never complained but that experience forced me to slow down and really cherish who I have in my life. This experience happened while I was in grad school and THIS is the reason why I started taking photos. I know that we have a finite amount of time in this world and once we are gone, our photos are what people will have to remember us by so I developed a strong desire to start documenting as much as I could with my camera.

My parents have left a “Watermark on my Soul” and for that I say thank you!

Watermarks on my Soul Series:


  1. I LOVE this! Definitely got a tear or two (or 10) out of me! This post really shows us a different, more personal side of the person behind the camera that has captured all of these beautiful photos.

    When I am surfing through blogs, websites of people in the wedding industry, the people I tend to stick to and put in my secret BFF (but they don’t know it) are those who I feel a PERSONAL connection with. And how would I know that if they didn’t share bits and pieces of their souls and are a bit transparent at times.

    I already know you can take beautiful photos simply by looking at your website and portfolio – I know you are working and are staying relevant by the simple fact that you DO show us your work every now and then. But I REALLY love hearing about the people behind the businesses….it just makes me want to STAY. It makes me want to jump in along with them for the ride. And you have succeeded with this new series. I LOVE getting to know a bit more about you and can’t wait to follow along for the rest.

    Now, look – I have written more than you wrote in your entire post. Ridiculous. Great series! Excited to follow along! 🙂

  2. Candance Grogans Goins says:

    Yaaassss! This is a great starting point! Parents are the make up of our essence. 🙂

  3. Hendrea Gaither says:

    Love this!!! Your parents are so adorable. Their love shows through the photos.

  4. Tonya Slater says:

    Love it, and you captured the right words that we all should be thinking and saying about family and friends. There is so many that you can say that hahave put “Watermarks on the Soul”….

  5. Xiomara Gard says:

    Oh goodness, I love this!!

  6. Fellicia Sherman says:


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